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- <title>
- Hong Kong
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- <hdr>
- Human Rights Watch World Report 1992
- Asia Watch: Hong Kong
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p>Human Rights Developments
- </p>
- <p> Unprecedented international scrutiny of human rights in Hong
- Kong took place in 1991, brought on by the enactment of a local
- Bill of Rights, the report of the United Kingdom to the U.N.
- Human Rights Commission, and visits by human rights delegations
- such as one sent by the International Commission of Jurists.
- The continued incarceration of nearly sixty thousand Vietnamese
- asylum-seekers stood out as Hong Kong's most glaring and
- intractable human rights problem. It was compounded by the
- resumption of forced repatriation before the government had
- rectified flaws in the procedures for identifying true refugees
- and ensured that adequate safeguards were in place to protect
- those who returned. Hong Kong's Bill of Rights promised to be
- a powerful new tool for challenging oppressive colonial laws
- and government actions, but its efficacy was hobbled by various
- restrictions, notably a period of immunity for certain of the
- government's police powers. The crisis of confidence in Hong
- Kong's future deepened as both the British and local
- governments compromised on the principle of Hong Kong's autonomy
- to accommodate China.
- </p>
- <p> As of year's end, approximately 59,000 Vietnamese were being
- held in closed detention centers awaiting either evaluation of
- their claims to refugee status or repatriation to Vietnam. The
- relevant immigration ordinance sets no precise limit on the
- amount of time that Vietnamese may be detained. Waits of over
- two years are normal, and some Vietnamese, particularly
- unaccompanied minors, have been waiting since 1988 to undergo
- the first "screening" of their claims.
- </p>
- <p> Former residents of Vietnam who came to Hong Kong after
- having spent some time in China also face indefinite detention.
- These suspected "ex-China" Vietnamese are considered to have the
- same legal status as Chinese migrants, who under Hong Kong law
- are not entitled to any consideration of their refugee status.
- But unlike Chinese migrants, who are usually repatriated to the
- mainland within hours of interception in Hong Kong, these
- "ex-China" Vietnamese must await identification and acceptance
- by China as former residents, a wait that can take years unless
- the Hong Kong government intervenes.
- </p>
- <p> While illegal under international law, the distinction in
- Hong Kong's law between the treatment of Vietnamese and Chinese
- migrants is a product of political realities. Hong Kong's
- territory would be flooded with arrivals from China if it did
- not enforce a stringent return policy, and China would not
- countenance Hong Kong openly "screening" Chinese citizens for
- refugee claims. On the other hand, in response to international
- pressure, Hong Kong has maintained first asylum for Vietnamese
- boat people, and agreed to conform its policies to the 1951
- Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol. Britain, which is a
- party to the Refugee Convention, did not extend its treaty
- obligations to Hong Kong. It did, however, extend its
- obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and
- Political Rights to its colony. The use of racial categories to
- distinguish between the rights of immigrants under Hong Kong's
- law violates Article 26 of the Covenant, which states that all
- persons are equal before the law and are entitled without any
- discrimination to the equal protection of the law. Hong Kong,
- apparently recognizing this difficulty, excepted its immigration
- laws from the application of its local Bill of Rights, which
- reproduces this guarantee. The Bill of Rights aside, the
- Covenant, with its prohibition against legal discrimination on
- the basis of national origin, still applies to Hong Kong. (The
- 1985 Joint Declaration between the governments of China and
- Britain, a treaty which lays out the blueprint for Hong Kong
- after the transition to Chinese sovereignty, says that the
- provisions of the Covenant "as applied to Hong Kong" shall
- remain in force. Although Britain made certain reservations in
- the application of the Covenant to Hong Kong, Article 26 is not
- among them. However, Britain did not extend the protections of
- the Covenant's 1966 Optional Protocol to Hong Kong, which would
- have provided a forum (the United Nations Human Rights
- Committee) for raising the issue of a racially discriminatory
- immigration policy.) Moreover, quite apart from Britain's
- failure to extend treaty refugee guarantees to Hong Kong, the
- customary law prohibition against refoulement returning a person
- to face political persecution effectively mandates screening of
- potential refugees even among Chinese aliens.
- </p>
- <p> Conditions in the detention centers for Vietnamese asylum-seekers are more squalid and dangerous than those of local
- prisons. Inmates, who are referred to by number rather than
- name, live behind barbed wire, in corrugated metal huts lined
- by rows of triple bunk beds, or in some cases, in large tents.
- Both the internal and external living space per inmate falls
- well below international standards. (Anne Wagley Gow, Protection
- of Vietnamese Asylum Seekers in Hong Kong: Detention, Screening
- and Repatriation (June 1991) working paper submitted to the
- U.N. Economic and Social Council, Commission on Human Rights,
- and Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection
- of Minorities), p. 8. The exception is Tai Ah Chau Detention
- Centre, in which residents have access to an entire island
- during the day.) Little opportunity or space was available for
- work, education or exercise. The police or the correctional
- services department manage most detention centers and enforce
- their rules, including provisions for limiting visits ("subject
- to orders of Superintendent"), censoring mail (may be read "for
- good cause" or restricted "for good cause") and punishing
- escape, vandalism, disobedience and disrespect. However,
- assault, rape and substance abuse within the camps remain
- serious problems, and Vietnamese make periodic allegations of
- abuse by guards and police. The government strictly controls
- press access to the camps and discourages stories on the plight
- of particular asylum-seekers.
- </p>
- <p> Families and minors have suffered the effects of these
- conditions especially severely. Camp workers report a
- widespread breakdown in family relationships and a rise in child
- abuse and juvenile delinquency. (Refugee Concern Hong Kong,
- Defenseless in Detention, June 14, 1991.) Several thousand
- unaccompanied minors, the most vulnerable inmates, live in these
- conditions the longest. Although the special procedures for
- evaluating their claims were revised in 1991, the new committee
- has only begun to make headway in resolving the backlog of
- cases.
- </p>
- <p> The prolonged detention of asylum-seekers cannot be
- justified on grounds of public order. Indeed, Hong Kong has
- handled much larger numbers of both Vietnamese and Chinese
- immigrants on past occasions without resorting to incarceration.
- The only stated rationales for detention have been deterrence
- of future arrivals and deference to local public opinion,
- neither of which justifies the arbitrary deprivation of liberty
- prohibited by Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil
- and Political Rights. Some eighty thousand arrivals later, even
- Hong Kong authorities no longer claim that detention effectively
- deters others from setting sail. Nor does the unpopularity of
- a specific national or racial group make a deprivation of
- liberty less than "arbitrary" under the Covenant. (See Article
- 26.)
- </p>
- <p> The 1951 Refugee Convention protects both refugees and
- potential refugees from unnecessary restriction on their
- movements and penalties imposed solely because of illegal
- entry. (Article 31; see also Conclusions on the International
- Protection of Refugees, No. 22, para. 11(b)(1) (adopted by the
- Executive Committee of the United Nations High Commissioner for
- Refugees Programme, 1981.) Hong Kong has not seriously claimed
- that detention of all Vietnamese not yet determined to be
- refugees is necessary as a matter of public order. Prior to
- 1987, the colony allowed an even greater number of Vietnamese
- citizens (mostly of ethnic Chinese origin) to live in open camps
- pending their resettlement abroad. More recently, 111 boat
- people were released on nominal bail while they challenged the
- government's action in arresting them directly after a court had
- ordered them freed on habeas corpus grounds. In that case, a
- Hong Kong court had found a detention of eighteen months
- unreasonable, at least under circumstances in which the
- Vietnamese had asked not for asylum but for supplies and
- repairs. (In re Pham Van Ngo and Others (Sears, J.), 1 Hong Kong
- Law Review, 499, 508 (1991).) The government's response to this
- case was to amend the Immigration Ordinance to permit the
- incarceration of any Vietnamese arriving illegally for as long
- as the government deems necessary.
- </p>
- <p> In September and October, Britain and Vietnam agreed in
- principle to the mandatory repatriation of all Vietnamese who
- were not refugees, and that those who would be forced back
- first would be the so-called doublebackers Vietnamese who had
- voluntarily returned from Hong Kong to Vietnam and then left
- again for Hong Kong. On November 9, twenty men, sixteen women
- and twenty-five children were forced aboard a transport plane
- bound for Hanoi. Hong Kong police at the scene wore plain
- clothes and did not carry weapons, but some Vietnamese put up
- so much resistance they had to be dragged or wrapped in blankets
- and carried aboard. Hong Kong officials were quick to deny that
- the repatriations were "forcible," out of sensitivity to
- Vietnam's rejection of the term, but any other description would
- have been inaccurate.
- </p>
- <p> The undisclosed agreements on mandatory repatriation contain
- guarantees that Vietnam will not "persecute" or "harass" those
- returned for their act of leaving the country, according to
- statements by Hong Kong's secretary for security. However, past
- agreements of this sort have not protected those accused by
- Vietnam of "organizing" boatloads of fleeing Vietnamese. Nor is
- there any indication that returned Vietnamese will be immune
- from liability for actions in Hong Kong, where many Vietnamese
- have expressed views critical of Vietnam's government. Hong Kong
- has promised not to return genuine refugees to Vietnam--that
- is, those with a well founded fear of persecution on specified
- grounds--but given that Hong Kong's screening procedures are
- flawed, it was difficult to be confident that no refoulement
- would take place. The flaws are both procedural and
- substantive. Asylum seekers have been subject to superficial
- interviews without adequate interpreters or pre-screening
- counseling. Most are not given legal assistance in preparing
- their appeals and have no right to review the reasons for their
- initial rejection or the record of their interview. Government
- authorities decline to articulate the precise standards applied
- in determining refugee status for Vietnamese, and decisions
- suggest that they are unusually stringent. In the meantime, even
- with the new repatriation agreement, Hong Kong officials
- admitted that most Vietnamese are likely to stay in Hong Kong
- for "a very long time." ("'No quick end' to problem," South
- China Morning Post October 4, 1991.)
- </p>
- <p> The provisions of Hong Kong's new Bill of Rights are modeled
- on those of the International Covenant on Civil and Political
- Rights. Article 3 of the Bill of Rights repeals all
- inconsistent pre-existing legislation. Six ordinances were
- exempted for one year from any such repeal, with another
- one-year "freeze" possible by resolution of the Legislative
- Council. (The exempted ordinances are the Immigration Ordinance
- (Cap. 115), the Societies Ordinance (Cap. 151), the Crimes
- Ordinance (Cap. 200), the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap.
- 201), the Independent Commission Against Corruption Ordinance
- (Cap. 204) and the Police Force Ordinance (Cap. 232).) These
- ordinances, which all grant extraordinary and highly
- discretionary law-enforcement powers to administrative
- authorities, are the laws most likely to conflict with
- individual-rights guarantees. In arguing for the "freeze"
- provision, the government claimed that there would be a
- dangerous gap in existing police powers if these laws were
- struck down. However, the government has not committed itself
- to revising these laws during the "freeze," but merely to
- reviewing them for possible conflict with the Bill of Rights.
- </p>
- <p> Although the Bill of Rights came into operation on June 8,
- the first judicial decisions relying on its provisions did not
- appear until months later, after an international conference
- sponsored by the University of Hong Kong drew attention to the
- new law. These decisions struck down presumptions of guilt in
- Hong Kong's drug laws and the automatic issuance of stop orders
- to prevent judgment debtors from leaving the territory. The High
- Court also required the government to provide legal assistance
- to a criminal defendant, holding that the Bill of Rights
- establishes a test for eligibility independent of the rules
- governing the Legal Aid Department.
- </p>
- <p> While these early cases are encouraging, it remains to be
- seen whether the Bill of Rights can be used to protect a wide
- range of rights and plaintiffs. Because Hong Kong follows the
- British practice by which the loser in civil litigation must pay
- the winner's legal fees, the litigation of rights issues will
- be limited to those few plaintiffs with the means to risk an
- adverse judgment. The government has rejected proposals to
- establish a commission that could inexpensively enforce the
- rights of the disadvantaged or to alter or waive the rule on
- payment of fees. Another limitation on the Bill or Rights is
- that it does not govern most disputes between private
- individuals. Thus, employment discrimination on the basis of
- gender, a serious problem in Hong Kong, is unlikely to be
- reached under this law.
- </p>
- <p> Nineteen ninety-one was no exception to the Hong Kong
- government's history of exercising its considerable powers to
- mute confrontations with China. In late 1989, the governor
- assured China that the territory would not be used as a "base
- for counterrevolutionary activities." In July 1991, the
- government appeared to act on this pledge by refusing to admit
- over a dozen overseas students who had landed in Hong Kong to
- attend a pro-democracy conference. Two months earlier, customs
- officials impounded a replica of the Tiananmen Square "Goddess
- of Democracy" which was intended to be used at a mass rally to
- commemorate the June 4, 1989 massacre.
- </p>
- <p> Britain, under pressure from China, breached the promise
- that Hong Kong would enjoy a "high degree of autonomy," as set
- forth in the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration on the Question
- of Hong Kong. Following Britain's concessions to China over the
- financing and management of Hong Kong's new airport project,
- another compromise was announced regarding the composition of
- Hong Kong's highest court. Under Hong Kong's Basic Law the
- equivalent of the territory's constitution the Court of Final
- Appeal may be composed of local judges or, "as required,"
- foreign judges from other common-law jurisdictions. The
- Sino-British Joint Liaison Group, after months of stalemate on
- the composition of the court, announced on September 27, 1991
- that only one of the five judges could be selected from overseas
- or retired local judges. This restriction was criticized by
- liberal legislators and the Bar Association as a concession to
- Beijing, which would prefer the court not to be overly
- independent. In the face of public pressure, British officials
- hinted that they might seek to renegotiate the composition of
- the court, but senior Chinese government officials reportedly
- rejected this possibility. ("Beijing rules out court deal," The
- Standard, November 5, 1991.)
- </p>
- <p> On December 4, the Legislative Council overwhelmingly voted
- for a counter-proposal that would allow the high court greater
- flexibility in using overseas judges. This marked the first
- time that the legislature has opposed an agreement worked out
- by China and Britain. The leader of the British contingent to
- the Joint Liaison Group, Anthony Galsworthy, said that if the
- legislature were to veto the Sino-British proposal, the
- government would not likely establish the high court before
- 1997. He reaffirmed British commitment to the restriction on
- foreign judges. China swiftly reiterated its view that the
- Legislative Council was without power to change the agreement.
- (Stanley Jeung and Rita Lun, "Legco powerless on Court says
- Beijing," The Standard, December 6, 1991.)
- </p>
- <p> Britain was similarly reticent, and China intransigent, on
- accelerating the transition to a democratically elected
- legislature. Liberals won sixteen of the eighteen seats
- contested in Hong Kong's first legislative elections, while
- every pro-China candidate was defeated. China's response was to
- claim that the liberals' landslide did not represent the will
- of most Hong Kong people, and to declare that the legislature
- was merely an advisory body, not a law-making branch of
- government. (Ursula Yeung, "Legislators 'lack public support,'"
- The Standard, November 5, 1991; Kent Chen, "Legco only an
- advisory body, says senior NCNA official," South China Morning
- Post, October 3, 1991, p.7.) Although prior to the election
- British leaders had hinted that they might press Beijing to
- increase the number of elected positions allocated in the Basic
- Law, China again showed resistance and Britain has not yet
- pursued the matter.
- </p>
- <p> These battles over the composition of the legislature and
- judiciary were all the more important because of the expansive
- powers vested in the colony's colonial administration. In
- particular, Hong Kong lacks laws that require the government to
- disclose administrative decisions, internal regulations, or the
- information that the government collects on groups or
- individuals. The Official Secrets Acts of 1911 and 1939, now
- discarded in Britain, remain in force in Hong Kong,
- criminalizing any unauthorized disclosure of official
- information by both the person who initially reveals the
- information and any person who learns of it. (See Yash Ghai,
- "Official Information: Government Secrets or Public Asset?" Hong
- Kong Law Journal, Vol. 21, Part 1, January 1991, pp. 78-86.)
- Although prosecutions under the Official Secrets Act did not
- occur in 1991 and were rare in previous years, the existence of
- the act worked to inhibit further a press that already was
- subject to broad censorship powers at home.
- </p>
- <p> (Censorship powers include the Film Censorship Ordinance,
- which permits the government to ban a film if its showing
- "would seriously damage good relations with other territories";
- the Television Ordinance, which provides for pre-censorship of
- all programming; the Telecommunications Ordinance, which
- authorizes controls on grounds of "security"; and the
- Prevention of Bribery Ordinance, which bars unauthorized
- disclosure of the names of suspects in corruption
- investigations.
- </p>
- <p> In a survey conducted in 1991, almost a quarter of
- journalists admitted to apprehension or self-censorship,
- especially when reporting on China, and about seventy percent
- believed press freedom would be curtailed after 1997. (Fanny
- Wong, "Reporters affected by self-censorship," South China
- Morning Post, September 24, 1991.) China encourages this
- attitude by strictly controlling the access of Hong Kong
- reporters to the mainland, and maintaining dossiers on which
- journalists and publications are friendly and which are not.)
- </p>
- <p> The independence of the judiciary and legislature, and the
- accountability of government to those governed, are of the
- utmost importance in protecting human rights as 1997 approaches.
- Asia Watch was concerned that precedents set by expedience now,
- such as the mass incarceration of civilians, would lay the
- foundation for ever more serious rights abuses in the future,
- especially while China's commitment to the rule of law remains
- questionable.
- </p>
- <p>The Right to Monitor
- </p>
- <p> In practice, Hong Kong's colonial administration allows
- human rights monitors relative freedom to conduct their
- activities, but the laws governing the territory both now and
- after the 1997 transition to Chinese rule provide ample basis
- for restriction.
- </p>
- <p> The Societies Ordinance vests in the commissioner of police
- the power to refuse to register any society that is likely to
- be used for any purpose "prejudicial to or incompatible with
- peace, welfare or good order," or that is affiliated with a
- political organization abroad. Moreover, the commissioner may
- inspect membership registers, enter meeting places, and order
- amendments of society constitutions. Although originally
- intended to combat organized crime in the form of Triad
- societies, the law has inhibited other associations as well. To
- avoid police supervision, groups concerned with both politics
- and human rights have chosen to register as commercial
- organizations rather than as societies. (S.L. Law, "Dissidents
- see firm registration loopholes," The Standard, November 25,
- 1991.)
- </p>
- <p> China requested that the statutory prohibition against local
- "political organizations or bodies" establishing ties with
- foreign "political organizations or bodies" be written into the
- Basic Law as well, in Article 23. The Societies Ordinance is
- one of the laws exempted from the operation of the Bill of
- Rights for up to two years. To date, the government has not
- announced any amendment to bring the law in conformity with the
- Bill of Rights guarantees to free association and assembly.
- After 1997, the provisions of the Basic Law, which has been
- promulgated as a national law of China, will take priority over
- the Bill of Rights, a local Hong Kong statute. However, China
- has agreed in the Sino-British Joint Declaration, a bilateral
- treaty, to keep in force the identical guarantees of the
- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
- </p>
- <p> After heated debate, China also prevailed in inserting in
- Basic Law Article 23 a promise to outlaw sedition, a crime
- previously unknown in Hong Kong. The article states that Hong
- Kong "shall enact laws on its own to prohibit any act of
- treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central
- People's government, or theft of state secrets, [and] to
- prohibit foreign political organizations or bodies from
- conducting political activities in the Region." Asia Watch is
- concerned that such laws could easily be used to silence human
- rights monitors, political critics or journalists, and to close
- Hong Kong to scrutiny by outsiders.
- </p>
- <p> In previous years, other local laws have been used to punish
- or inhibit protest. On September 29, 1989, activists were
- beaten by the police and arrested for unlawful assembly. The
- activists had been attempting to march in protest of the June
- 4 Beijing massacre at a site where the New China News Agency was
- giving a cocktail reception. One month later, the political
- advisor to the Hong Kong governor wrote to the head of the
- Foreign Affairs Section of the New China News Agency stating
- that the government "has no intention of allowing Hong Kong to
- be used as a base for subversive activities against the People's
- Republic of China." He cited as evidence the arrest of these
- activists and the government's rejection of a permanent site for
- a replica of the "Goddess of Democracy" statue that was raised
- by students in Tiananmen Square. The law invoked in prosecuting
- the demonstrators was the Public Order Ordinance, which gives
- the commissioner of police authority to license and control
- public assemblies of more than thirty people and processions of
- more than twenty. Shortly after the arrests, the police
- obtained search warrants and seized unedited videotapes of the
- incidents from local televisions stations, although these
- ultimately were not used at trial. The seizures were condemned
- both in Hong Kong and abroad as violating press freedom.
- </p>
- <p> In February 1990, prominent pro-democracy activists led a
- protest against the lack of democracy in the Basic Law. Five
- months later, just after the promulgation of the Basic Law,
- they were charged with using megaphones (in Hong Kong usage,
- "loud-hailers") without a permit from the commissioner of
- police. The Summary Offences Ordinance prohibits unlicensed use
- of loud-hailers without "lawful excuse." At trial, an assistant
- police commission testified that in his seventeen years of
- service he had never come across a prosecution for using
- loud-hailers in public gatherings, and confirmed that such
- unlicensed use (by tour groups or school outings, for example)
- is part of everyday life in Hong Kong. The defendants'
- conviction was ultimately reversed on the basis that the
- prosecution was an abuse of power, and the appeals court did not
- examine whether the law violated the guarantee of freedom of
- assembly in the International Covenant on Civil and Political
- Rights.
- </p>
- <p> In December 1989, Reverend Fung Chi Wood, a well-known local
- elected official, was arrested for refusing to produce his
- identity card to a police officer. Reverend Fung, who was at
- the time in an elevator on his way to lead a demonstration
- protesting a draft of the Basic Law, produced identification ten
- minutes later once he was on the street. The law requiring Hong
- Kong residents to produce identity cards on demand is part of
- the Immigration Ordinance, and designed for the control of
- illegal immigration. Although it was extremely unlikely that
- Reverend Fung was suspected of being an illegal immigrant, his
- conviction was upheld. The Immigration Ordinance was permanently
- excepted from the operation of the Bill of Rights. Identity card
- checks are still used in Hong Kong at public gatherings for
- purposes other than immigration control. (See "Unlawful assembly
- denied," South China Morning Post. July 4, 1991, describing an
- identity card check of an audience at a courtroom hearing on the
- legality of a widely publicized community protest over the
- construction of a village crematorium.)
- </p>
- <p> These incidents raise the question whether the Hong Kong
- government is committed to politically motivated law
- enforcement to appease China. The government's interventions in
- impounding a statue of the "Goddess of Democracy" and refusing
- to admit into the colony participants in a pro-democracy
- convention kept this question alive. In local affairs, the
- government's response has been selectively to limit access to
- sensitive information, (Included in the categories of classified
- information is anything that could cause "embarrassment" to the
- Hong Kong government.) for example, through restrictions on
- journalists visiting detention centers, or through the Official
- Secrets Act. The right to monitor is largely a matter of
- administrative discretion in Hong Kong. It is highly doubtful
- that the executive branch under Chinese rule will be as tolerant
- of dissent as British administrators have proven. Under these
- circumstances, it behooves the colonial administration to amend
- and supplement Hong Kong's legal protection for human rights
- critics, rather than relying on discretion in enforcement.
- </p>
- <p>U.S. Policy
- </p>
- <p> The Bush Administration showed signs of recognizing Hong
- Kong's special position as it moves from British to Chinese
- sovereignty, but stopped short of treating it as an autonomous
- entity. The State Department was quick to cite Hong Kong's
- vulnerability should Most Favored Nation trading status for
- China be revoked. However, it was silent about Britain's failure
- to press for more elected legislators or overseas jurists. While
- the State Department reiterated U.S. opposition to mandatory
- repatriation of Vietnamese from Hong Kong, it tacitly accepted
- the policy by characterizing it as a bilateral matter between
- Britain and Vietnam.
- </p>
- <p> Congress was more directly responsive to human rights issues
- in Hong Kong. On September 20, Senator Mitch McConnell
- introduced a bill that in essence would write into U.S. policy
- the understanding of Hong Kong's autonomy set forth in the
- Joint Declaration. Under the bill, Congress "welcomes" the
- continued application to Hong Kong of the International Covenant
- on Civil and Political Rights and the constitution of the
- legislature through elections. The bill further calls for the
- United States to recognize Hong Kong passports and travel
- documents, to encourage Hong Kong residents to travel to the
- United States, to expand informational ties with Hong Kong's
- legislature, to maintain Hong Kong's Most Favored Nation trading
- status, and to continue to recognize Hong Kong's separate legal
- status under U.S. law. Martin Lee, an outspoken advocate of
- human rights and the leader of Hong Kong's most popular
- political party, visited the United States in November to lobby
- for the McConnell bill. The bill, which has attracted over a
- dozen co-sponsors, is currently in the Senate Foreign Relations
- Committee, which is due to hold hearings on it in early 1992.
- </p>
- <p>The Work of Asia Watch
- </p>
- <p> Asia Watch was given access to Hong Kong's detention centers
- throughout 1991 by the government's Security Branch, and
- conducted numerous interviews with Vietnamese on human rights
- conditions in Vietnam. Asia Watch issued two newsletters based
- on this research which were critical of Hong Kong's policy on
- Vietnamese asylum-seekers. "Vietnam: Repression of Dissent"
- described the failure of the screening process to identify as
- refugees Vietnamese human rights activists and dissident
- artists. "Mandatory Repatriation and Indefinite Detention: The
- Incarceration of Vietnamese in Hong Kong" laid out the rights
- abuses inherent in the detention policy and suggested
- alternatives to the premature resumption of forcible return.
- Throughout 1991, Asia Watch intervened with both Hong Kong and
- United Nations authorities on behalf of Vietnamese seeking
- refugee status.
- </p>
- <p> In July, Asia Watch issued a press release condemning Hong
- Kong's refusal to let overseas Chinese students pass through
- Kai Tak airport to attend a pro-democracy convention. Local
- students responded to the government's stance by holding the
- convention at the airport. In June, Asia Watch attended the
- first conference on the Bill of Rights in Hong Kong, and
- assisted the Hong Kong University Law Faculty in gathering human
- rights publications on Hong Kong. Asia Watch also provided a
- chapter on Hong Kong in the Human Rights Watch report released
- during the October meeting of Commonwealth heads of government
- in Zimbabwe.
- </p>
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- </article>
- </text>